Wednesday, May 8, 2013

In and Out

I'm climbing out of the rut, I finally finished my confetti dress! I think it's really cute, and it taught me a lot of things about zippers and hemming a full skirt. This project also taught me that it's okay to make mistakes, especially if you have a seam ripper. Just take it apart carefully and start again. It's better to begrudgingly fix a mistake than it is to begrudgingly live with it for the rest of your life. I noticed a few little things that might need to be fixed after the mini photo shoot with Matilda.

I was so happy that I finished this dress, that I started another one immediately after. Gingham!
So I'm ready for Spring. And I hope I can stay out of my rut for a while.

And I've also been working on this aviator hat...I'm a huge fan of The New 52 Catwoman (even though the feminist in me cries hot painful tears.) I had this sexy black PVC fabric and decided that this would be a fantastic idea. Not finished yet, needs further shaping, it's a tad baggy.

And while we're on the topic of cats. Here's a bow tie I made for my cat Parsley. The dress I made her didn't turn out great, either times. Cat shapes and people shapes are not the same. Not the same at all. Third time's the charm?

 Anyway, I'm sorry I've been slacking. I've noticed that most of my viewership is from Russia right now.
Did you mean: hello
Please keep an eye out for updates on my Etsy. More Sugar Loafs will be added soon!

Saturday, March 23, 2013

New Dress Form!

I'm SO excited about my new dress form. I made this summer dress and desperately needed to pin it on something to adjust it and when doing adjustments on a hanger, it just doesn't aline well.

Now it's a little tight on the bust. Great cleavage, very smooshed bust silhouette. Luckily, I can undo it and adjust the zipper again.

But anyway, say hello to my dress form! I've decided to name her Matilda. I envision her as my French assistant. With her by my desk, I feel like I'm working in an atelier!

Here's a picture pulled off the website.

I have her in the floral slip. Very elegant.

Thursday, March 7, 2013

We're Back from NYC!

Hello sweeties!

Justin Hubbell and I are back from NYC. We had a marvelous time and even began to feel a little more competent using the subway system.

We hung out with our college buddies (most of whom resided there and we hadn't seen in three years!) They took us to splendid eateries and I filled myself up on Chinese, Korean, Indian, Italian, and Peruvian cuisine. I also drank too much, talked too loud, and bought too many things. Well, I'm not sure that's true. I could have probably been drunker, louder, and poorer but I had a very level headed boyfriend.

The train ride was a first for me and though it was ungodly HAWT the first few hours, I still had a blast! Trains are so cool! Why don't we have more of them? I demand more trains!

My trip to the garment district was orgasmic. I tried to hide it at first, but I could not pull a poker face when confronted with such lush suede and fine silk.

Here are my purchases!

 This is a cream silk that flows like a dream. 2 yards. I only paid for 1. AND it was 50% off. I also bought a black silk similar in weight but it was too difficult to capture in the natural light of my window.

 Here's a very nice silk satin with polka dots! This is a little over 3 1/2 yards. I paid for two.
 This is a delicious red lame. I bought 7 yards and only paid for 6.
 And here it is. This wonderful large polka dotted cotton blend print. I loved it so  so SO much that I purchased the whole damn bolt. That's about 20 yards on there. AND it was also 50% off.

And here's the KICKER. That morning, I bought a freakin' Groupon for Paron Fabrics in NYC. Then my boyfriend bought one as well. Just over 200.00 worth of fabric for a MEASLY 100.00 all together (including the groupon purchase!)

Unfortunately, the bolt was taller than me and I couldn't carry it myself. Justin ended up lugging it all over Korea town, in and out of stores and restaurants, and then on the train home and to Penn Station. He was a real trooper! I owe him a lifetime of nice handmade clothes and toys. Now if only I knew how to tailor a suit!

Another update soon!

Sunday, February 24, 2013

Modcloth Design Submitted

It's a very late post, my dearies, very late indeed.

I just want you to know that I have been slaving over a design for several days now and I've finally finished my favorite of the fifty sketches I've drawn. Not only did I finish, but I also submitted the design to a Modcloth contest and I'm very excited.

Now, I've only submitted one garment, but I feel pretty good about it! Check it out!

Other than that, I've been working on my cat's dress. It's nearly finished but needs to be altered because it's a tad loose on the poor girl.
Yes, it has lace on it. 
Yes, I feel a little bad about it.
No, I'm not going to stop.
I'll give her an extra pinch of catnip to make up for it, yeah? She's a champ.

This Friday, I'll be on a train heading for NYC with my sweet boyfriend. I'll be seeing friends, visiting stores, and eyes the fashion on the street. I do love fall, spring, and summer fashion a lot more than winter fashion (because I LOVE colors!) but I'm sure my eyes will have a great time!
I also will keep an eye open for Rilakuma and Molang merchandise. They are way cute!

Here are the clickies!




Saturday, February 16, 2013

Gotta Have a Goal!

I haven't had a chance to work on a lot of new projects this past week because I've been working a ton. I DID manage to make a butt load of extra cash and I'm pretty excited about that. Like I said before, I WANT  it!

I did manage to pop out a couple of Valentine's related bow ties. But I love hearts so that'll be a reoccurring theme regardless.

Also note worthy, my Valentine's dinosaur sold from Hedonist Artisan Chocolates! Here's a picture!
I REALLY have to make another one. On a side note, I think I have that same hair bow!

I'm going to make more things all next week because I just HAVE to. I feel it in my fingers, all tingly and such.

I also have to get better at keeping up with my day planner. I've got this reward system where, if I complete the tasks for that day, I get a cute sticker. But I haven't gotten any stickers for at least two weeks and I feel kinda crappy about that.

So here are some goals for next week.

Enter the Modcloth designer competition! The deadline is the 25th of February.
Finish all the bow ties I started (about ten.)
Make a pair of lolita bloomers/romper.
Start making either a shirt with sleeves or a pair of pants.

Poor Parsley, she'll have to wait on her pretty dress. I wanna add more ruffles anyway.
All right, self, let's make it happen! Pictures will be proof of my abilities to see things through!


A little something about my personal life.
Justin made me a Valentine's card out of a train ticket to NYC. I will have to do something super super cool for him in return. Like make a French Maid costume or something!

We'll be there in March, ready to buy a whole lot in the fabric district. But if you know any place in particular I could go for wholesale bolts of fabric, LET ME KNOW! Oh man, I could use a lot of cool notions too!

See ya next Sunday, but maybe sooner!

Sunday, February 10, 2013

What a Week!

My dearies, I'm tired.

I sold two bow ties and I'm quite thrilled. If you care to know, THESE TIES!

Also, I got added onto an Etsy treasury list! What?! Cool!

So, I didn't have very many day job hours these past few weeks. But then I got this fateful call this past Thursday from my boyfriend declaring that if I needed a few extra hours of work, I should come in to help the chocolate shop with a monumental order. So that's what I've been doing on top of my usual day job. It's a lot of work hours and I'm happy for the extra cash. Now I can buy ALL THE FABRIC!

Being a seamstress (or trying) is fun. But it can get expensive when you start out. Luckily, fabric, thread, and notions are usually the only things that need replacing. But those are also the cheaper of the necessary items needed to be a seamstress, besides the skills (which can be expensive if fashion school/sewing classes come in to play.)

I recently bought myself a rotary cutter but have yet to use it. So sharp. I only meant to buy white thread(because I was nearly out), and ended up with many things, including books!

I even replaced my missing seam ripper and could finally take this satiny pillow case apart and make these ADORABLE bloomers!

 I got too excited during the sewing process and forgot some very important rules. Pin you edges for neater bindings! (I bought very pretty pearlized heart straight pins too!) Luckily, I have a second pillow case! Great thrift store finds!
Here is a picture of a loose tank top design. Can you believe it was from the same pillow case? Now I can finally walk around my house lookin' like a sexy clown!

I'm making my cat a dress. That is all.

It is midnight and I will sleep forever. I love you all.
Click all these links! I know there are many!

Favorite me on Etsy to see new listings!
Follow me on this blog to cackle at my seamstress shenanigans!
Like me on facebook and get fresh updates!
Follow me on tumblr for the awesome!

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Sweet Loafs!

So I've been making a few of these things I like to call Loafs, or Sugar Loafs. They're essentially cute beady eyed soft toys in snow suits. I really love making them and I designed it perfectly the first time through  it took a few faulty designs to finally make them just right.

I've discovered that cotton flannel is the perfect material for the body. It's soft and generally forgiving and hides the hand sewn portion really well. The eyes are 12mm eye beads I bought off Etsy and the face is a thin dotted cotton. It looks like they have freckles!

They come in three sizes so far. These sizes might change if I decide to make bigger or smaller ones.

Standard Sugar Loaf (The pink cupcake one and the big space suit one next to each other!)
Small Sugar Loaf (The space suit loaf hanging on the very edge!)
Mini Sugar Loaf (The one without a face yet!)

They're not listed on my Etsy yet, but they are for sale temporarily at Hedonist Artisan Chocolates in Rochester, NY. If you're local to that area, stop by and pick one up. Got cozy hearts there too! If you're not, unfortunately, they don't sell them online the way they sell their delicious chocolates. They'll be there until sold OR after Valentine's day.

I'm trying to find other days to post on my blog because I find it difficult to wait until Sunday for these things. I want to share everything right away! But I need to learn some disciple. Sundays will be a given, but I'll add another day. Just one. More pictures next time!

Oh! I made a facebook fanpage! And a Tumblr page. Like and follow me on those as well! Facebook especially because it'll be the freshest place to get Charging Hearts news.

I'd also like to say hello to +Malu! Hello~
Thank you for being my first follower!

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Business Card

My very first ever business cards arrived in the mail yesterday afternoon! I can't stop staring at them. This is serious, isn't it? It feels almost like a dream, to be doing this, to be building something for myself.

Here's an image of it!



You may have also noticed that my blog background has been updated.
All my new found photoshop knowledge is from my very patient boyfriend, Justin Hubbell.
Thanks for all your help, dear!
Here is a link to his facebook fanpage.
Check out all the cool things he can doooo!

Sunday, January 27, 2013

Productive Week!

This was a very productive week for me! I started and finished five large and super hearts for the Hedonist Chocolates Valentine's window display. Those hearts ate through my five pound box of fiberfil stuffing and I need to order more sometime in the near future. What's left can probably be made into toys.

While I made those hearts, I was also making more bow ties. Oh, about twelve of them in six different styles. You can see some of them here.

You can check out the rest at my Etsy shop! Just click here!
More next Sunday!

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Day jobs and Moonlighting

I'm going to pepper this post with photos and babble on about myself. Buckle your seat belts, it's going to be a safe and smooth ride but you should have your seat belts on anyway because that's the law.

I am, like so many other people, balancing a day job and moonlighting as a seamstress. After finishing all my holiday gifts, I'm hoping that I have some items left over to list on Etsy. I hope I have the energy to pull through.

I actually enjoy my day job. It's just the getting up and putting on clothes I find so tedious on cold mornings. My boss is really nice and hilarious without meaning to be. I listened to her friend explain to her who Ron Jeremy was. She recently gave me a raise and I'm getting crazy amounts of hours because of the holiday kick which would make up for the ridiculous amounts of fabric I bought to thicken my crafting supplies.

My boss calls me Awesome Alex because I have super hero like abilities in the face of disgruntled customers and unusual customer service situations. I honestly think I owe this to my years in High School as a people pleaser and my four years in college working the diplomacy route in various student club organizations.

My Etsy shop is open! Charging Hearts. Look around, purchase items, interact with me!

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Get Crackin'!

         Hey everyone. I tried to stay true to my words and I added a new relevant post with pictures! Okay, I know the pictures aren't great, but I'm documenting my work which is something I've always avoided doing. I do them now reluctantly but I'm sure with persistence and practice, I might be able to work that issue out. Or. Ask Justin.

          So anyway, I'm super excited about these items. The first two are checkbook covers. They have inner pockets that hold the plastic cover in place. I did take pictures of those but they turned out awful. No amount of Photoshop editing could make it whole again.

            These are Christmas presents! I'm pretty sure the recipients are not reading my blog. I mean, really,  this is only the first thrilling post. Hopefully, after the holidays, I'll publicize this to Facebook so that I'll have some accountability and continue these posts.
          This is a pocket day planner that I covered with a lovely cotton print I've held on to for way too long. It was originally a checkbook cover but it turned out just a few hairs too small. The pleather of the day planner was thick enough that it wouldn't warp when squeezed into a tight space. In the end, it looked very nice and I'm anticipating the coming of that elusive day in December, so that I might use it.
             I really am looking forward to the next batch of items. 
I've got a few unfinished hats, a flawed skirt (to fix), and a hopeful dress all in the works. If I could just motivate myself into completing projects, I could finally sell them in my Etsy shop. Although, I do have quite a few more checkbook cover presents to make. 

Better get crackin'.